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Real-time inventory end-to-end

Goodbye clipboards, goodbye Excel hell, goodbye stockouts.

item variant screenshot

Know what you have, where it is, and what it's worth.

Get a full breakdown of all your inventory in stock for any item.

Next-level traceability through serialized inventory.

Scan the label of any item for a detailed summary of where it came from, when it was created, the value in stock, the exact location, and more.

label details screenshot
label creation screenshot

Inventory accuracy without compromise.

Storing boxes on top of pallets? Digit effortlessly handles nested inventory with labeled parent and child items. Pick the entire pallet or take off a single box. Digit will keep track of what’s been picked and what’s still left.

Manage your entire item catalog in one place

Thanks to the powerful and flexible item creator, Digit will adjust to you, not the other way around. Set up items as any combination of “buy, make, and sell.” Manage complex parent/variant relationships. Easily set your BOM and routing. Purchasing, storing and selling in different UoMs? No problem. Digit will handle the busy work for you.

Check Circle Icon
Item variants and states
Check Circle Icon
BOM, alternate BOMs, routing
Check Circle Icon
UoM conversions
Check Circle Icon
Categorization and tags
Check Circle Icon
Quantity price breaks
item variant screenshotDashboard
Fynas Light Icon


Set up and manage as many locations, warehouses, storage locations, and bins as you need.

Cancel Dark Icon

Partial depletion

Pick boxes from pallets, or partially deplete individual inventory labels, Digit will keep track of what's been consumed and what's still left.

Alarm Icon

Inventory aging

Know the source and create date of every piece of inventory and adhere to FIFO or LIFO.

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End-to-end traceability

Track serial numbers and lots from the loading dock to the shipping dock.

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Minimum stock levels

Set minimum stock levels for every item and easily compare it to real-time levels to reorder at just the right time.

Bar Chart Analysis Icon

Full cost control

Automatically track your value in stock and make month-end close a breeze.