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Electronics manufacturing and inventory software
Digit optimizes inventory and manufacturing management for electronics companies, providing cutting-edge tools to monitor stock, manage production workflows, and ensure efficient operations.
Digit is trusted by

The one-stop-shop to manage all your inventory and electronics manufacturing operations.

With real-time analytics and automated processes, Digit helps electronics manufacturers enhance precision, reduce waste, and drive overall operational excellence.

Fully connected purchase management

Issue POs in seconds, receive against them, and never run out of stock again.
Create and send POs directly from Digit
Choose from pre-filled vendor information and pick items from your fully connected item catalog. Email PO pdf copies with a single click.
Receive against POs
Instantly verify shipment accuracy and automatically update inventory with the correct quantities, locations, and monetary values without ever having to leave the receiving screen.
Sophisticated purchasing settings
Define default vendors, lead times, MOQs, vendor SKUs, automatic UoM conversions, and more.

Real-time inventory end-to-end

Goodbye clipboards, goodbye Excel hell, goodbye stock-outs. Always know what you have, where it is, how old it is, and what it’s worth.
Inventory data you can trust
Track raw materials, sub assemblies and finished goods from the loading dock to the shipping dock.
Real-time insights
With fully connected procurement, production, warehouse, and sales modules, Digit finally provides a full inventory picture in real-time.
Maximum traceability through serialized inventory
Digit automatically generates barcode labels allowing you to uniquely identify every piece of inventory and trace it every step of the way.

Digitize your warehouse

Get your warehouse into the cloud and empower your workers with workflows that are easy and fun.
Shipping & receiving
Keep your entire team aligned thanks to a live list of your open POs, SOs, fulfillment statues, delivery dates and more.
Picking & packing
Inventory location details, ability to sort by age, partial depletion, and a variety of packaging configurations make picking and packing a breeze.
Custom labels and barcode scanning
Digit's super easy custom label builder lets you manage your inventory the way you want.

Live job progress at your fingertips

Get real-time visibility into your make-to-stock and make-to-order jobs without having to walk the floor.
Finally ditch the paper
Easily create make-to-order and make-to-stock jobs that can be accessed on a tablet on the production floor.
BOM and routing, easy as 1,2,3
Simple or nested BOMs, alternate BOMs, complex routing, build out your workflows no matter what you make.
Comprehensive tooling management
Manage tools, single-cavity molds, multi-cavity molds, associate items, create configurations and track maintenance.

Your fully connected sales hub

Create and send quotes, convert them to sales orders, and track fulfillment statuses all in one place.
Create and send sophisticated quotes
Set up quotes in seconds, add quantity price breaks, and send them out via email with a single click.
All your sales history in one place
Quickly identify which customers have bought a specific material, when, and at what price and easily track price developments over time.
Bridge the gap between sales and operations
Let sales reps easily access live progress of associated jobs with a single click.

Keep optimal stock levels

Easily stay on top of all current and future inventory demand and restock at just the right time.
Comprehensive replenishment summary
At a glance see demand for every item, expected stock-outs, and issue POs and create jobs for the right quantities at the right time.
Project future inventory needs
Get a detailed projection of expected stock levels factoring in all demands on your inventory.
Confirm an order and plan in one step
Schedule all POs and jobs directly from the order screen in one streamlined flow.


Integrated purchase management

Issue POs in seconds and never run out of stock again.
Create and send POs directly from Digit
Choose from pre-filled vendor information and pick items from your fully connected item catalog. Email PO pdf copies with a single click.
Receive against POs
Instantly verify shipment accuracy and automatically update inventory with the correct quantities, locations, and monetary values without ever having to leave the receiving screen.
Sophisticated purchasing settings
Define default vendors, lead times, MOQs, vendor SKUs, automatic UoM conversions, and more.
Learn more


Real-time inventory end-to-end

Goodbye clipboards, goodbye Excel hell, goodbye stock-outs. Always know what you have, where it is, how old it is, and what it’s worth.
Inventory data you can trust
Track raw materials, sub assemblies and finished goods from the loading dock to the shipping dock.
Real-time insights
With fully connected procurement, production, warehouse, and sales modules, Digit finally provides a full inventory picture in real-time.
Maximum traceability through serialized inventory
Digit automatically generates barcode labels allowing you to uniquely identify every piece of inventory and trace it every step of the way.
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Digitize your warehouse

Get your warehouse into the cloud and empower your workers with workflows that are easy and fun.
Shipping & receiving
Keep your entire team aligned thanks to a live list of your open POs, SOs, fulfillment statues, delivery dates and more.
Picking & packing
Inventory location details, ability to sort by age, partial depletion, and a variety of packaging configurations make picking and packing a breeze.
Custom labels and barcode scanning
Digit's super easy custom label builder lets you manage your inventory the way you want.
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Live job progress at your fingertips

Get real-time visibility into your make-to-stock and make-to-order jobs without having to walk the floor.
Finally ditch the paper
Easily create make-to-order and make-to-stock jobs that can be accessed on a tablet on the production floor.
BOM and routing, easy as 1,2,3
Simple or nested BOMs, alternate BOMs, complex routing, build out your workflows no matter what you make.
Comprehensive tooling management
Manage tools, single-cavity molds, multi-cavity molds, associate items, create configurations and track maintenance.
Learn more


Your fully connected sales hub

Create and send quotes, convert them to sales orders, and track fulfillment statuses all in one place.
Create and send sophisticated quotes
Set up quotes in seconds, add quantity price breaks, and send them out via email with a single click.
All your sales history in one place
Quickly identify which customers have bought a specific material, when, and what price and easily track price developments over time.
Bridge the gap between sales and operations
Let sales reps easily access live progress of associated jobs with a single click.
Learn more


Keep optimal stock levels

Easily stay on top of all current and future inventory demand and restock at just the right time.
Comprehensive replenishment summary
At a glance see demand for every item allowing you to create POs and jobs for the right quantities at the right time.
Project future inventory needs
Get a detailed projection of expected stock levels factoring in all demands on your inventory.
Confirm an order and plan in one step
Schedule all POs and jobs directly from the order screen in one streamlined flow.
Learn more

See it in action.

“There comes a moment where an organization outgrows the capabilities of Excel. We were at that point. It was a band-aid and Digit came in and provided us a real solution to move forward and grow with.”

Adam Bolin, VP Distribution & Fulfillment @ VersaCourt

No more clipboards,
no more spreadsheets,
no more human error.

Digit runs in the browser of any device and connects seamlessly with common label printers and barcode scanners. Finally start generating real-time data you can trust.

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Connect any common barcode scanner and label printer and start scanning immediately.

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No need to wait for your warehouse staff to update spreadsheets at the end of the day, monitor updates in real-time.

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Error proof

Digit automatically alerts the user if the wrong material was picked for the job.

Dive into Digit.

Integrate your accounting and eCommerce with Digit at the center

Automatically sync everything and spend less time transferring data between systems.

More integrations

Frequently asked questions

What setup services does Digit provide?

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For us the job isn't done until you're set up, trained, and fully up and running. Our onboarding services include a dedicated launch manager, virtual or on-site implementation, hardware recommendations and guided setup, fully managed data cleansing and upload, employee training sessions and more.

What ongoing support is available?

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Support includes a dedicated customer success manager, unlimited support through phone and email, ongoing training and coaching, regular feedback collection and semi-annual account reviews. All support services come for free with any Digit software subscription.

What is the pricing structure?
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Fees include a small one-time setup fee as well as one all-in subscription. Month-to-month contracts are available, we do not require annual commitments. Discounts are available for annual billing. There are no extra fees for usage, integrations, support, data storage, etc. For more information, book a demo below.

What about hardware?
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Digit connects seamlessly with all common barcode scanners, label printers, and tablets. We will share a list of recommended hardware and will assist with the setup.

Interested in learning more? Book a demo

Book your live demo of Digit - the all-in-one platform to manage inventory and production.